It’s time to have a conversation about conversational marketing! When most people hear the term “conversational marketing,” they think of chatbots. While that’s not wrong, it’s only one of many possibilities when engaging in customer dialogue. We need to broaden the definition of conversational marketing to include all the ways we can engage with our customers in a discussion. Conversational marketing is different from personalization or even 1:1 marketing. It goes beyond traditional pull or push methods. You’re giving and receiving real-time information when you engage your customers with conversational marketing. You’re not just soliciting clicks or likes; you’re allowing them to become one with your brand.

What is Conversational Marketing? 

So, if conversational marketing is more than just chatbots, what is it? How do we engage our customers in meaningful dialogue? To start, think about ways you engage with brands and products you enjoy? What brings you a truly delightful experience? There are a few brands that bring this level of engagement for me. These companies have pulled me into their community multiple ways – games to win “early access” or discounts to product, self-driven product customizations, polls that provide valuable insights, user-generated content, etc. The beauty in this relationship is that it’s two way; It provides me the feeling of community and it supplies endless benefit to the marketers behind the tactics. Regardless of whether you call this conversational marketing, interactive marketing, or an advanced form of content marketing, it boils down to the same thing – deep engagement.

How Do I Get Started?

For many marketers, the biggest hurdle is getting started. I recommend that you think like a content marketer. Like content marketing, conversation marketing must start with a firm understanding of customers, journeys, pain points, and informational gaps. Traditional content communication gives buyers the information they need when they need it most. It also serves to enhance brand loyalty for existing customers. As content marketers become more advanced, they use machine learning, artificial intelligence, and real-time behavior to drive content “at the moment.” Conversational marketing plays a tangential role in this “micro-marketing,” giving customers a way to invest mind space and time in problem-solving, escapism, and simple enjoyment of your brand community.

As you plan for conversational marketing, ask yourself a few questions. Where can dialogue help to inform customers along their journey to purchase? Is there content that will help them better understand your products, their choices, the competitor landscape, etc.? Are there ways to virtually “build” a product/solution using your product? Are there pricing considerations that they can investigate themselves? It’s also essential to consider post-purchase community building. What tools can you offer to help customers feel like they are part of your brand? How can you further conversations with your company and other customers?

Once you know the holes you are plugging with interactive content, you can assess your options. Yes, chatbots are an excellent way to further one-to-one dialogue with your customers, assuming they are done correctly. Nobody likes a chatbot that gives them the runaround! Yet, when it comes to conversation marketing, think beyond chat. Perhaps there are interactive tools you can provide your customers, such as hands-on infographics, charts, calculators, or assessments. Maybe surveys and polls would be beneficial for capturing information, giving customers input into your story and theirs, or allowing users to share information within the brand community. In some cases, games, challenges, and quizzes can be excellent ways to build your brand followers and enhance customer connections. Another often overlooked strategy is to solicit user-generated content. There are several avenues to explore in this area, but at the end of the day, you’re opening the door for customers to participate in your brand story. How powerful is that?

Don’t Stop There

As you explore conversational marketing, don’t lose sight of the bigger picture around data collection, behavioral monitoring, and marketing technology. While these methods are not part of your run-of-the-mill marketing technology tools, they can provide valuable, insightful data on your buyers and their preferences and actions. This behavioral data can be used across your marketing channels and campaigns to further one-to-one connections.

If you’re considering more ways to drive customer engagement through marketing technology, remember that Relationship One is here to help