You put a lot of time, thought, and careful planning into creating your email campaigns.  Now that you’ve gone through the hard work of getting eyes on your page, how do you get them to keep reading and engage with your content?  Below are 4 tips to help!

Write a killer headline

The headline is the single most important part of your landing page.  According to a study by Columbia University and the French National Institute, when most people view content online, they are only reading the headline and nothing else.  So if you want to increase engagement on your landing page, this is the best place to start.

A good headline is short, sweet, and specific.  Make sure it isn’t too verbose, and make sure it speaks directly to your target audience.  If it can strike an emotional chord with them, even better.

It is also important that you style the headline so it is large and easily readable on both desktop and mobile devices.

Nail the CTA

After your headline is top-notch, the next element you should focus on is your Call To Action.

It is important that your CTA text isn’t too generic (“Click Here”), but it also shouldn’t be too sensational either (“Take Advantage Of This Once-In-A-Lifetime Offer!!!!”).  You want to keep in mind who your audience is, and make your CTA text state the specific benefit that they will receive.

The design of your CTA should fall in line with your established branding so that it looks and feels authentic, but it should also use contrasting colors so that it pops.  You’ll also want to pay careful consideration to its placement, making sure it stays visible on the page.

Include different types of media

Another way to keep engagement high on your landing page is to include other types of media besides just text.  This will make your page more visually stimulating and can help drive home your message.

Images of some kind are a must for landing pages.  Studies show that pictures of people, especially faces, can really go a long way towards increasing trust and engagement.  It can also be helpful to include situational images on your landing page that show your product or service in action.  Infographics can also be useful to include since they help to make the reader feel as though they are learning something and gaining value from the page.

Videos are another great form of media.  They provide a more complete opportunity to share your brand message than either text or static images, and since they hit both the auditory and visual senses of your reader, they can even be more successful than plain old images at driving engagement.

Make sure, however, that any media assets you use on your page are high quality and align with your brand.

Keep the opt-in form simple

It is also important to keep your opt-in form as minimal and clean as possible.  Too many form fields have been shown to reduce conversion rates.  

One way to do this is by dynamically hiding and showing form fields as they are needed (for example, you can hide the Postal Code field until the user has selected a country that includes them).

You can also utilize progressive profiling so as not to inundate your readers with too many form fields.

If the reader is a return visitor and already has a profile created, most marketing automation platforms, like Oracle® Eloqua, provide a way to pre-populate fields so the reader doesn’t have to fill them out again.

You can read more about form best practices here.

In closing

With just a few small tweaks, you can greatly improve your reader’s experience on your landing pages and increase their engagement.  If you need help planning or implementing changes to your digital marketing strategy, Relationship One is here to help!