If you were to compile a comprehensive list of a content marketer’s greatest fears, having your team go rogue with content (whether that’s writing their own or sharing random pieces from the depths of your blog) is up there with the scariest.

You always want your customers and prospects seeing the latest and greatest version of what you have to offer, but when your content lives in so many different places—your blog, SlideShare, YouTube, internal drives—it can be hard to keep track of it all, let alone keep it up to date.

In a perfect world, you’d be able to easily manage where your content lives, how it’s organized, where it’s shared, and even stay on top of version control. And that doesn’t have to be a dream state! There are things you can start doing today to ensure your team has access to your most recent content all in one place, while also empowering them to leverage it in strategic ways.

Bring All of Your Content Together

Most content marketers make the mistake of thinking they don’t have enough content, but the reality is you probably have way more than you realize. Consider this: you have your blog, ebooks, infographics, product one-pagers, slide decks, videos, podcasts, webinar recordings, and more—but because they don’t all live under one domain, we forget about how many places we’ve published content across the web.

One way to take account of all the content you actually have is by setting aside some time to do a content audit. There’s no denying it’s a huge undertaking, but it’ll help you find out just how much content exists, allow you to keep track of all the links to where it lives, and identify any gaps you need to fill.

The other way to centralize your content is by using a content experience platform (CEP). A CEP will allow you to break down content silos by integrating all of your third-party content platforms like Wista, YouTube, RSS, SlideShare, Facebook, Twitter, and more into one platform where you can easily manage it all.

Screenshot that shows various channels you can import into Uberflip
With your content pulled into one place, you’ll not only be able to get a better idea of what content you have, but you’ll also be able to create engaging content destinations with your collateral from across the web. In an Uberflip-powered content destination, buyers can watch a Wistia video, flip through a SlideShare, and browse an ebook, all in the same contained, branded experience on your website.
Collection of content with various sources circled

Tag and Organize for Easy Searching

After you’ve centralized your content all in one place, the next thing to do is organize it so your team can actually use it. Whether you’re using a spreadsheet or a CEP, this step is crucial because it helps sales, customer success, and even other marketers on your team understand what content to use when.

The most common ways to organize content are by buyer persona, industry, stage of the funnel, and topic. In a spreadsheet, you could separate these out using tabs or filters.

But a content experience platform makes this part really easy. In the back end of Uberflip, you’re able to tag your content in a number of ways so that your team is able to find it, however they’re searching. You can even layer tags to find the most relevant content for a particular buyer, stage of the funnel, or industry.

Uberflip Smart Filters also allow you to automatically build relevant streams of content based on the tags you apply. Your CEP can be doing all the heavy lifting for you!

Update Content Wherever it Appears

Everybody on your team is pulling for the same thing—they want to deliver great experiences to your customers and prospects. And sometimes that means sales reps (or even other marketers) make their own tweaks to decks and other marketing materials without thinking about how it throws off the consistency of your messaging and branding.

This is a problem that’s virtually eliminated with a content experience platform like Uberflip in your corner. When all of your content is housed together into one centralized platform, no matter where it’s placed—on your website, in a marketing campaign, or in sales-follow-up—your changes are reflected everywhere. That means control is back where it should be: in the hands of the marketer who’s creating and publishing content in the first place.

Take Control of Your Content Experience

As the wonderful Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer at MarketingProfs has said, “There’s nothing worse than homeless content.” And as a content marketer, finding a home for all of your content that’s currently scattered across the web falls under your purview. With Uberflip in your tech stack, you’ll be able to easily centralize your content in one place, keep it organized, and also turn all of that collateral into engaging experiences for your buyers. And I’ll tell you, it’s a lot easier than using a spreadsheet!

Author: Melissa Wankiewicz, Uberflip.
This article was originally posted by Uberflip. To view the original, Click Here.